Depending on the application, users can choose from a wide range of software features to model a wide range of liquids. Modeling Liquid Properties: PIPESIM provides two choices for the user, one is the concepts of industry-standard black oil, and the other is a range of models combining equation states. This model allows to calculate the flow structure, fluid retardation, shape characteristics of material movement, and pressure drop of all stations along the production route.

Multiphase Flow Modeling: PIPESIM employs a wide range of industry standard multiphase flow communications as well as advanced three-phase mechanical models. The foundation and foundation of the correct modeling of production systems is based on the following three main areas of science, all of which are considered PIPESIM:

One of the engineers’ biggest concerns is the safe design of wells and pipelines to ensure that the liquids produced safely and cost-effectively reach the process facilities. In a word, Schlumberger PIPESIM software can calculate the exact amount needed to meet the challenges of fluid flow and production optimization.